
That the chain of command has conspired, cooperated, endorsed, and perpetuated this discrimination is quite evident by the coaching assignments as well as the situation deteriorating.  How far up the chain of command is unknown, however the many policies addressing this tendency have been ignored throughout the NACS system; and that is in spite of efforts for many decades nationally to eliminate any discrimination of any nature.

Candidly upon embarking on this analysis it was expected that a student athlete post season confidential survey would correct the situation over time.  However the abuse and political discrimination has proven to be so profound and extensive that expecting the individuals primarily responsible will ever be fair is totally unrealistic.  And for the same and other reasons, the situation needs addressed immediately lest rugs be pulled and/or swept under, and Walmart run out of white wash.  Coaches will always have a significant degree of discretion.  They either use their discretion wisely and fairly, or they do not.  It is totally unrealistic to assume any of the current individuals will suddenly be totally fair in the execution of their responsibilities.  Instead, they will just be more subtle and less severe in their implementation of their discrimination and abuse of student athletes.

Had the bias been limited to one or even two exceptionally skilled student athletes it may have been somewhat defensible.  But bias this consistent and absolute is nauseating when you try to picture the disappointment in so many faces unnecessarily.  It may be falsely argued as in the best benefit of the varsity team.  The overall win/loss record over time through history will be anxiously awaited should that information be made available.  As opposed to benefiting either program, the bias is expected to have negatively affected both.

For those unfamiliar with either sport, any difference between athletes can be slight and difficult to determine.  Casual observations indicate that the abilities of many of the advanced players encouraged are detectably less than many of the players discouraged.

Leadership involves tackling the difficult and uncomfortable issues, not turning a blind eye and ignoring them.  Education professionals are supposed to be an important part of the solution; not an important part of the problem.  If discrimination is this blatant and ignored, it is concerning to think how much more subtle discrimination exists in the academic portion of NACS; although reports of that nature have been fielded and experienced as well.  The Board may want to consider random surveys of that nature.  It’s time to decide whether NACS is a public school system, or an extension of private ones that do not want the expense of their own.  Some favoritism, discrimination, and political bias are difficult to detect.  This is easy to observe and is quite obvious.

This analysis is not intended to be a comprehensive explanation of religious discrimination, favoritism, political influence, and bullying by adults; simply the most prevalent, publicly observable, systematic, and organized at BHS.  The other more typical forms are present as well.

In summary:

  • That this degree of discrimination is anything other than pervasive, consistent, and obvious cannot be credibly contested; and is quite evident.
  • The Administration is legally required to have knowledge of issues of this nature, without reporting by the general public.
  • In years past retaliation has been experienced thus the need for anonymity.   In addition the facts speak loudly enough for themselves.  More and more accurate data is available to the Administration than the public.
  • That everyone was ignorant of the situation will not pass the first smell test at the distance of a home run.
  • That some slight bias may have existed would not have been surprising and perhaps difficult to statistically prove beyond random deviations.  That the bias was so complete, extensive, and consistent, saved the normal statistical confirmation of relevancy.  An eyeball, brain, and common sense are all the statistical proof one needs.
  • For any of the coaches involved to deny perpetuating and expanding this discrimination, is an insult to the common sense of community they reside in.  Denials of that nature and magnitude belong in D.C.
  • That the Athletic Director not only participated, conspired, and coordinated this situation is not defensible.
  • That purported Christian adults, representing the interests of Christian institutions, would perpetuate this harmful emotional damage to innocent youths, is an insult to the concept of Christianity.
  • It is expected that someone will suggest that any Other player that may not feel equal treatment awaits them attend another school 20 miles away or more.  Extend that suggestion to 70% of the student athletes for any one sport?  Because…..?  It would make more sense that if either the 12% or 18% group wants their own sports team to resurrect their old High Schools.  The facilities are still available.  And illegal discrimination would not be necessary.  Private schools ARE available and created for the purposes implied in this bias.
  • Discrimination of this nature to even one individual is not tolerated elsewhere, let alone a whole class of students; and the largest class of students.  The minorities discriminating against the majority?  What country are we in?  It was thought that religious discrimination and superior ethnic issues were settled in 1945 if not 1776.
  • Replacing a coach mid-season will be argued as inappropriate.  Here the hypocrisy is a little more difficult to grasp.  Basically that is stating that disruption to the program is not timely even though the program will immediately be a better one and there are ample alternatives in the community, if not school system.  So ultimately that is saying the program and athletes are not important, but accountability and embarrassment to the coach is?  So the coach for a few months is more important than the program and student athletes?  Try to think that one through logically.  No, logic aside the emphasis on doing so in fact clearly states that this behavior will not be tolerated in the future more than any other type of message.  Of course the whole point is moot barring a coach selection process that is conducted with open eyes.
  • This form of blatant, persistent, obvious, and consistent religious discrimination is discrimination NOT against one individual with a differing religious preference; but simultaneous religious discrimination against ALL others, Muslim, Buddhist, agnostic, atheist, Jewish, and so complete evenincludes OTHER forms of Protestant and Christian religions.  The very reason for initial immigration to North America over some  500 years ago and a VERY BASIC tenet of the Constitution some 246 years ago.
  • In a :PUBLIC school system; against VENERABLE and innocent youths; at a very formative point in their fragile lives.
  • Nor is an exact allocation based on any criteria for either selection or advancement suggested or required, for there will be minor variance in abilities and skills.  All that should be required is any semblance of objectivity in selection with the best system available for accountability.
  • This cannot be adequately stressed.  This is meant in no part to reflect the vast number and majority of the many fair, ethical, and moral individuals associated with all groups.  The results of this situation in this analysis only requires three people and an administration with totally blind eyes, totally deaf ears, and totally oblivious to the situation.  A condition not allowed by law.  Unfortunately individuals so inclined gravitate to these positions of responsibility for reasons very obvious.

Please understand that the following actions are expected within 14 days[1]:

  1. The results of two sports analyzed are confirmed and appropriate action be taken consistent with existing policy.
  • That the balance of the BHS sports programs be briefly reviewed for any similar discrimination.  It is fully expected that many head coaches have executed their responsibilities fairly, ethically, morally, and with Christian values established centuries ago; and reflected in NACS rules and policies.  
  • Should any preliminary reviews warrant a more extensive review, those reviews should be completed within 90 days.
  • That a system of player feedback in the form of a confidential questionnaire be implemented to provide an objective source for any continued discrimination and be communicated and reviewed by an appropriate representative of the NACS school Board.

Please further understand that should the above not be executed the matter will be referred to:

  1. The United States Department of Education;
  2. The United States Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights;
  3. The ACLU;
  4. The IRDA;
  5. Private counsel

Developments no one in the community should want.

This is long, long overdue and will benefit the entire district community of NACS, most especially Bellmont High School in general, and Bellmont sports, students, and athletes in particular.  The District has ample challenges to enable the school system to be the best it can be.  This is one that should have been unnecessary and was self-inflicted.

Most sincerely,

[1] Selected NACS policies included in Documentation and Reference Section